“Atlantic” — My Screenplay

So… life comes full circle.

Before I embarked upon design as a career, I used to draw. More specifically, I used to draw comic books.

After I began my career in design, I discovered writing. To say I discovered it would be a little misleading, as I’d been interested in writing, to some degree, just about all of my conscious life. But, I discovered it as an active passion. So, I suppose you could say that I did indeed discover writing. More specifically, I discovered screenwriting.

Over a decade down the road, and I’ve written five scripts. The fifth, “Atlantic”, is a tale of adventure on the high seas, of romance and danger and pirates and action and death and destruction. It’s a tip of the hat to the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies I grew up loving.

Now, I don’t know what you know about the screenwriting industry, but it’s a brutal field to try and break into. You could spend your whole life writing scripts, paying out the bucks to enter them in a ton of contests and have it all come to naught.

Or, you could make your own opportunities.

This is why I’ve decided that I’m going to take a stab at drawing Atlantic, my tale of adventure on the high seas, as a graphic novel.* I’m going to force it out there into the world, self-publish if I have to, and who knows. Hollywood loves to adapt comic book properties into movies… and I’ll already have the script written.

From comic books to design to screenwriting and back to comic books. Full circle.

*Of course, the image at the top of the page was just a rough I threw together. It’ll look much better. In theory.